Freedom from Contract

For membership information please visit our JOIN PAGE HERE The last 100 years of court cases, is a testament to the age old struggle between Common-Law customs and the Conscience of Equity. When the American Judiciary merged the formally separate courts of equity and law into one semi-uniform battlefield[efn_note] an interesting… Read more“Freedom from Contract”

Express the Trust Works Again

Youtube channel comment – Folklohr Family I helped my daughter succeed a charge brought against her by appointing all agents as fiduciary trustee’s. She made her appearance by affidavit, in the affidavit it was stated four times that she is a “flesh and blood woman”, her affidavit was submitted within… Read more“Express the Trust Works Again”

Pure Equity Alone is NOT The Key To Winning – Beware the GURUS

In latest research and feedback from member trying to figure out using "Pure Equity" as a remedy, we had a member show us this finding.  We can still get "Equity" in the system if you know how to implement the rules that currently exist. Not every case is winnable, but… Read more“Pure Equity Alone is NOT The Key To Winning – Beware the GURUS”

20 Maxims of Equity – The Heart of Winning

20 Maxims of Equity – from Wikipedia (LINK) The Role of Maxims Maxims of equity are not a rigid set of rules, but are, rather, general principles which can be deviated from in specific cases.[2] Snell’s Equity, an English treatise, takes the view that the “Maxims do not cover the whole ground, and… Read more“20 Maxims of Equity – The Heart of Winning”