Confronting US Policing’s Record of Violence and Abuse Support ‘Stop Police Brutality Day’

Today, Americans will mark the 23rd national day against police brutality to draw attention to unjustifiable police killings that occur too often yet rarely end up in a courtroom. In 2018, police killed 852 people, according to Mapping Police Violence, a research collaborative collecting comprehensive data on police killings nationwide…. Read more“Confronting US Policing’s Record of Violence and Abuse Support ‘Stop Police Brutality Day’”

Legal Language is Intentionally Vague

Legal Language is Intentionally Vague – Please say it isn’t so! In case you had not noticed the “legal language” in all the so called laws today in intentionally vague. But a contract that is vague or misleading is no contract at all….interesting. This method of pulling people into the… Read more“Legal Language is Intentionally Vague”