How The Banker Took Over the World and Legal System

This short video says it all: How the bankers took over the world, including the courts. They are owned and managed by banking trusts as well, while their PRIVATE Bar member attorneys help themselves stay in power. Most importantly you need to know how you VOLUNTEER for it every day…. Read more“How The Banker Took Over the World and Legal System”

Historical Basis – Why You CAN “Discharge” Debts and Other “Charges”

EXAMPLE ONLY – NOT TO BE USED AS IS – NOT LEGAL ADVICE Some quotes may need to be verified to ensure they are not misquoted or mistyped. Write your own memorandum to suit your needs. Some areas are bold for emphasis only and may not be used in an actual… Read more“Historical Basis – Why You CAN “Discharge” Debts and Other “Charges””