Main Reason You Lose and Judges Ignoring You Is…

What is the reason most people lose?  They voluntarily fail to act and use the rules to their favor.  As always – not legal advice – 3rd party posting Aside from not creating a good evidence record that cannot be ignored by using discovery properly before trial, the #1 reason… Read more“Main Reason You Lose and Judges Ignoring You Is…”

Threatening Letter, Subpoena, Ticket, or Questionable Bill – Chase Them Off Quick

An interesting post from my friend, Doug, in dealing with debt collectors. When you receive any subpoena….Be very proactive, go on attack, so no wait. 1. Respond but carefully.. 2. Don't volunteer anything (you usually do without knowing it by your actions). 3. Answer honestly (but do so with wisdom)…. Read more“Threatening Letter, Subpoena, Ticket, or Questionable Bill – Chase Them Off Quick”

The Burden of Proof – Who Must Do What and Why!

The Burden of Proof … Who Must Do What and Why! As always – not legal advice – 3rd party posting You must understand who has the burden of proof … and why it matters!  If you’re being sued, the OTHER side has the burden of proof. If the other side files… Read more“The Burden of Proof – Who Must Do What and Why!”