Your Lawful Authority Starts Here — and It’s Spiritual

NONE ARE MORE HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED THAN THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE FREE. — Goethe   1 THESSALONIANS 4:4  That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour A=  You get arrested as a vessel/birth certificate named estate/bank note/ALL CAPS name or Middle Initial or incomplete… Read more“Your Lawful Authority Starts Here — and It’s Spiritual”

Does the Bible Really Teach You Useful Lawful Remedy?

There are two ways you can “meet your maker”. (an interestng perspective forwarded by a brother) One way is to ask and ye shall receive the spirit, or you can ignore this option. This is called IGNORANCE. Ephesians 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God… Read more“Does the Bible Really Teach You Useful Lawful Remedy?”