Freedom from Contract

For membership information please visit our JOIN PAGE HERE The last 100 years of court cases, is a testament to the age old struggle between Common-Law customs and the Conscience of Equity. When the American Judiciary merged the formally separate courts of equity and law into one semi-uniform battlefield[efn_note] an interesting… Read more“Freedom from Contract”

Another State Judge Orders End to Shut Down

Oregon joins Wisconsin in a court victory for the people, to stop unconstitutional “shut down” orders by the governor, who was acting without legislative authority. A good start at least. UPDATE – The state supreme court issued a temporary injunction keeping the governors orders in place while they review. But… Read more“Another State Judge Orders End to Shut Down”

Law is Contract = Contract is Law

Get details on Premium Membership HERE To understand the power of words and what is going on in court, one must first understand that all civil and criminal courts today are contract courts, and are effectively or dealing with contracts – or lack thereof in most cases. In actuality, due… Read more“Law is Contract = Contract is Law”

Legal Language is Intentionally Vague

Legal Language is Intentionally Vague – Please say it isn’t so! In case you had not noticed the “legal language” in all the so called laws today in intentionally vague. But a contract that is vague or misleading is no contract at all….interesting. This method of pulling people into the… Read more“Legal Language is Intentionally Vague”

Constitutional Challenges to Courts Government and Opponents

(3rd party material) The Flynn’s have a long history of winning in the courts and have taught thousands to do the same. Below is their winning questions to ask the judge and prosecuting attorney BEFORE a court case begins….this often shuts the case down.  Suggest downloading, saving and forwarding widely. Constitutional Challenges… Read more“Constitutional Challenges to Courts Government and Opponents”