If it looks like a duck…

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck… its probably a duck… If any of those three elements are missing you have probable cause that you are not dealing with a duck. If two of those elements are missing we lack reasonable suspicion… Read more“If it looks like a duck…”

Comprehensive Articles on Attorneys and the BAR Association

BAR (Note: some of the link below are 3rd part, we do no have more info than this) Who or what is the BAR ? Who do they work for? What jurisdiction do they operate in? During the middle 1600’s, the Crown of England established a formal registry in London… Read more“Comprehensive Articles on Attorneys and the BAR Association”

Your Lawful Authority Starts Here — and It’s Spiritual

NONE ARE MORE HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED THAN THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE FREE. — Goethe   1 THESSALONIANS 4:4  That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour A=  You get arrested as a vessel/birth certificate named estate/bank note/ALL CAPS name or Middle Initial or incomplete… Read more“Your Lawful Authority Starts Here — and It’s Spiritual”

Fast Court Defense Process

FIRST AND PRIMARY COURT DEFENSE As always – not legal advice – 3rd party posting No matter what kind of case it is when they are pulling into any so call “criminal” (actually commercial in their world) or a civil matter.  A simple and effective strategy as a line of defense… Read more“Fast Court Defense Process”

Properly Challenging Jurisdiction from The Beginning

When on the defense…Challenging jurisdiction is one of the best defenses you can make, because if you use the right argument it is almost impossible for you to lose! If they attempt to tell you that you can’t question their jurisdiction you can easily shut them up with these court… Read more“Properly Challenging Jurisdiction from The Beginning”

An Old Case Hits Nails The Issue of Jurisdiction

Old IRS Case Hits The Mark (source unnamed) Not legal advice, just an interesting story. Here’s a current (2014) report of an old win over the IRS from someone who was charged with failure to file in 1970, and hasn’t paid any income taxes since. This shows that a birth… Read more“An Old Case Hits Nails The Issue of Jurisdiction”