Conditional Acceptance – a Simple Shake of the Hand

This post is not offered as legal advice and nothing contained is to be construed as an offer to contract. The information provided is the opinion of the author, do your own research, and come to your own conclusions. You are a thinking human being; don’t be lazy and demand… Read more“Conditional Acceptance – a Simple Shake of the Hand”

If it looks like a duck…

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck… its probably a duck… If any of those three elements are missing you have probable cause that you are not dealing with a duck. If two of those elements are missing we lack reasonable suspicion… Read more“If it looks like a duck…”

How Language and Definitions Enslave the World

You Can Only Assume You Understand – Just long enough to lose. “How’s the dictionary getting on?” Winston asked his comrade Syme, who worked with him in the Research Department…. “We’re getting the language into its final shape,” Syme answered. “By the year 2050 at the very latest, not a… Read more“How Language and Definitions Enslave the World”

Simple Way to Comprehend Why Grammar Styles Matter

Many so called critics say language, grammar, syntax, and styles do not matter in law (sometimes referred to as CSSPSPG etc). That assumption is so ridiculous, that it’s like saying the words on a indictment, ticket, or summons have no importance. It is EVERYTHING. Then why would they carefully the… Read more“Simple Way to Comprehend Why Grammar Styles Matter”

Human Rights & Gay Rights – Why WORDS Matter

How WORD Matter – Define Human “rights”, Gay “rights”, re-ligion, etc The truth is right there before you – From our friend Mark He is one of the leaders in learning language technology and how we conduct ourselves in commerce. Mark offers some interesting insights to how language controls us… Read more“Human Rights & Gay Rights – Why WORDS Matter”

Law is Contract = Contract is Law

Get details on Premium Membership HERE To understand the power of words and what is going on in court, one must first understand that all civil and criminal courts today are contract courts, and are effectively or dealing with contracts – or lack thereof in most cases. In actuality, due… Read more“Law is Contract = Contract is Law”