Say No To Vaccines The Right Way? A Real World Success!

Conditional Acceptance Works again

This came from a member who has been learning our powerful “Conditional Acceptance” methods to resolve many issues. Using this method there is NO arguing. Just ask the right questions to set your terms and conditions to proceed in honor.


The event

I had to bring my son “AJ”, to his first appointment with his primary doctor as required to obtain insurance. When we arrived, they told me that my son had to do a mandatory physical.

So, I “conditionally” agreed” (vs argue) when signing the paperwork. Within that paperwork there was an effective-contract requiring vaccinations. So I simply changed some words, and stipulated conditions in that vaccination section of the document. I wrote to the effect: as long as “no vaccinations have no MRC-5 in them and so long as there would be NO CHANCE of a latrogenic reaction or other log term risks”.

(COMMENT that is a conditional acceptance of the terms you ALWAYS have a right to raise).

Halfway through the appointment a nurse approached me and said AJ needs 3 vaccinations, because he was behind. I asked how she knew that, and again – why does he need them? I told her I would be more than happy to consider the vaccinations, under the condition that I was first able to speak to the doctor about this and my conditions and concerns mentioned above are addressed. I also asked to obtain the ingredients of the vaccinations and all other information about these vaccines. A few minutes later the doctor was sent in, and I asked my same questions of him. When we got to the subject of vaccinations, the only thing he mentioned is that AJ was “all caught up” on his vaccinations now.

It's pretty interesting how their story changed with my conditions in place!

COMMENT – He who is AS-KING is the king and the one in control! Making your terms and conditions is powerful. THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE!


For more vaccination information meet Del Bigtree who we have met as 2 separate events. His films on vaccines are life changing.




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Jason Chandler All Rights Reserved
Jason Chandler All Rights Reserved
3 years ago

Awesome demonstration!