If it looks like a duck…

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck… its probably a duck… If any of those three elements are missing you have probable cause that you are not dealing with a duck. If two of those elements are missing we lack reasonable suspicion… Read more“If it looks like a duck…”

How to do Legal Research Pt. 1

As an ongoing project to inform the general public of the various resources that are available. I will endeavor to explain the basic tools and techniques needed to research case-law and to investigate publicly available legal information. To begin this series I will outline how to use google scholar to… Read more“How to do Legal Research Pt. 1”

Historical Basis – Why You CAN “Discharge” Debts and Other “Charges”

EXAMPLE ONLY – NOT TO BE USED AS IS – NOT LEGAL ADVICE Some quotes may need to be verified to ensure they are not misquoted or mistyped. Write your own memorandum to suit your needs. Some areas are bold for emphasis only and may not be used in an actual… Read more“Historical Basis – Why You CAN “Discharge” Debts and Other “Charges””